Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Is Hawaiian music a dying art? Part:2

So far in my blog I have shown different examples and analysis to show if Hawaiian music is really a dying art.  From researching to observing, I have noticed that there is a substantial movement, almost like a  renaissance of a younger generation becoming heavily involved with Hawaiian music.  In my findings I am aware that the Hawaiian genre may still not be as popular to the youth of Hawaii as other genres are.  Educational programs and other musical events/competitions like "Ka Himeni Ana" or the Aloha festivals falsetto contest have helped tremendously to keep this art alive.  However, in my opinion, I feel as if there is still a lot to be done to ensure that Hawaiian music will not die.  Also, keep in mind that there are sub-genres of Hawaiian that are dead, but can be resurrected. 

Besides performing Hawaiian music and bringing awareness of Hawaiian music to my peers, my other contribution to Hawaiian music will be in the form of a musical album.  With the help of mentors like Kimo Keaulana-Alama, I have selected certain mele to record and revitalize.  Not only will I resurrect estranged mele, but hopefully try to capture an older style that is not heard enough today.  This album is in progress and may be completed by 2011.  Stay tuned....

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